Saturday, November 17, 2007


Curriculum Vitæ





1994                 Ph. D. (Political Science), University of California, San Diego

                        Dissertation:  "The roots of post-colonial democracy in the Caribbean:

                        The Cases of Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Surinam."

                        Adviser: Arend Lijphart


1991                 M.A. (Political Science), University of California, San Diego.


1988                 M.A. (Latin American/Caribbean Studies), New York University.


1978                 B.A. (Hons.) (Spanish/History), University of the West Indies, Mona,




Academic Work Experience


2007                 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Spelman College


2001-pres.        Assistant Professor, Clark Atlanta University.


2000                 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Agnes Scott College.


1999-2001.        Adjunct Assistant Professor, Clark Atlanta University.


1999-2007         Adjunct Assistant Professor, Political Science, Georgia Perimeter College.


1994-1998         Assistant Professor of Government, Morehead State University.


1992                 Visiting Assistant Professor, Bard College.



1989-1991         Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of California, San Diego.



Other Work Experience


1989-1991         Abstractor, Sociological Abstracts, San Diego.


1982-1986         Freelance journalist, New York City.


1980-1982         Jamaica correspondent, EFE news agency.


1979-1982         Information Officer/Staff Writer, Gleaner Company, Kingston, Jamaica.


1978-1979         Assistant Information Officer, British High Commission, Kingston, Jamaica.

1978                 Tutor, Brown's Town Community College, Jamaica.


1973-1975                  National Youth Service, Jamaica.



Selected Publications


2008                 “’Intellectual Murder’: Walter Rodney’s Groundings in the Jamaican Context.”  Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 46 (1), 79-100.


                        “Public Scholarship and Political Action: The Memory of Walter Rodney in Jamaica” (with Anita M. Waters). Wadabagei. A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diasporas, Vol. 11 No. 1 (Winter 2008), 4-35.


2007                 C.L.R. James as a Creole Nationalist: Reconsidering The Case for West-Indian Self-Government.Proceedings of the Georgia Political Science Association, ( 2006.


2001                 “Growing Up in Two Elsewheres.”  Jouvert: A Journal of Postcolonial Studies 6 (1/2).


1999                 "Thomas Carlyle, John Stuart Mill, and Eric Williams on Race and Rule in the West Indies."  Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism 26 (1/2).


                        “Nationalists and Development: The Price of Citizenship in Colonial Jamaica” (with Michaeline E. Crichlow). Plantation Society in the Americas Vol VI, nos. 2 &3 (Fall 1999) (issued 2003).


1998                 Class Alliances and the Liberal-Authoritarian State:  The Roots of Post-Colonial

                        Democracy in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Surinam.  Lawrenceville, NJ:

                        Africa World Press.


1984                 Poems in Penguin Book of Caribbean Verse in English.

1983                 Poems in Focus 1983, anthology of writing in Jamaica.



Book Reviews



2007                 Review of Kari Levitt Reclaiming Development: Independent Thought and Cairbbean Community. In Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diasporas, Vol. 10 No. 2, Spring/Summer 2007, pp. 102-104.


                        Review of Donna Weir-Soley First Rain. Society for Caribbean Studies Newsletter, Autumn 2007, No. 56, pp. 44-45.


                        Review of Kwame Dawes Impossible Flying. Society for Caribbean Studies Newsletter. Autumn 2007, No. 56,. pp. 46-47.


2006                 Review of Stephen Palmer and Iván Molina (eds.) The Costa Rica Reader: History, Culture Politics.In Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diasporas, Vol. 9 No. 2, Spring/Summer 2006, pp. 100-102.

2005                 Review of Obika Gray (2004) Demeaned but Empowered: The social power of the urban poor in Jamaica. Society for Caribbean Studies Newsletter Autumn 2005, No. 54, pp. 33-35.





Publicly Available, not formally published


1990                 "Ethnicity and Class in Belizean Electoral Politics."  Available at National Library of Belize, Belize City, Belize.



Selected Conference Papers



2008                 “Carlyle to Thomas: Victorian Discussion of Race and Rule in the British West Indies.” Southern Political Science Association, January 2008, New Orleans.


                        “C.L.R. James as a Creole Nationalist: Reconsidering The Case for West-Indian Self-Government.” Western Political Science Association, March 2008, San Diego.


                        “Eric Williams: The Hero As Politician.” Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2008, Boston.



2007                       “C.L.R. James as a Creole Nationalist: Reconsidering The Case for West-Indian Self-Government.”  Southern Political Science Association, January 2007, New Orleans,


“C.L.R. James as a Creole Nationalist: Reconsidering The Case for West-Indian Self-Government.”  Midwest Political Science Association, April 2007, Chicago.


Public Scholarship and Political Action: The Memory of Walter Rodney in Jamaica” (with Anita M. Waters).  Caribbean Studies Association, May 2007, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.


“Public Scholarship and Political Action: The Memory of Walter Rodney in Jamaica,” (with Anita M. Waters). XIX Conference of Cuban-North American Philosophers and Social Scientists, June 2007, Havana.


“Racist Rantings, Travellers’ Tales and a Creole Counterblast: Thomas Carlyle, John Stuart Mill, Anthony Trollope, Charles Kingsley, James Anthony Froude, and J.J. Thomas on Race and Rule in the British West Indies.” Thomas Carlyle Resartus: Reappraising Carlyle for our Times, at Villanova University. July 2007, Philadelphia.


“’Intellectual Murder’: Walter Rodney’s Groundings in the context of the Jamaica of the 1960s.” Latin American Studies Association, September 2007, Montreal.


“Racist Rantings, Travellers’ Tales and a Creole Counterblast: Thomas Carlyle, John Stuart Mill, Anthony Trollope, Charles Kingsley, James Anthony Froude, and J.J. Thomas on Race and Rule in the British West Indies.” Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2007, Philadelphia.


“Carlyle to Thomas: Victorian Views of Race and Rule in the British West Indies.” Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2007, Philadelphia.



2006                       Public Scholarship and Political Action: The Memory of Walter Rodney in Jamaica” (with Anita M. Waters).  Southern Political Science Association, January

                        2006. Atlanta.


“‘Intellectual Murder’: Walter Rodney’s Groundings in the context of the Jamaica of the 1960s.” National Conference of Black Political Scientists. March 2006, Atlanta.


“Activist Theorists: Norman Manley, Eric Williams, Democracy and West Indian Decolonisation”. Midwest Political Science Association. April 2006. Chicago.


C.L.R. James as a Creole Nationalist: Reconsidering The Case for West-Indian Self-Government.” Caribbean Studies Association, May 2006, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.


“Machiavellian Moments: Norman Manley, Eric Williams, Democracy and Decolonisation in the British West Indies.” Society for Caribbean Studies, July 2006, London.


“’Intellectual Murder’: Walter Rodney’s Groundings in the context of the Jamaica of the 1960s.” International Conference on Caribbean Studies. November 2006. South Padre Island, Texas.


C.L.R. James as a Creole Nationalist: Reconsidering The Case for West-Indian Self-Government.” Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2006, Boston.


“C.L.R. James as a Creole Nationalist: Reconsidering The Case for West-Indian Self-Government.”  Georgia Political Science Association, November 2006, Savannah,



2004                 “Commemorating Caribbean Public Scholarship: The Memory of Walter Rodney in Jamaica” (with Anita M. Waters). Atlanta University Center Symposium on the Legacy of Walter Rodney in the Twentyfirst century. March 2004.


                        “Commemorating Caribbean Public Scholarship: The Memory of Walter Rodney in Jamaica” (with Anita M. Waters).  American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 2004.



1998                 "Global Village Idiots:  The Racist Right on the Internet."  Midwest Political Science Association, April 1998. Chicago.


1997                 "Political Activists as Political Theorists:  Norman Manley, Eric Williams, Democracy and Decolonization in the British West Indies."  Kentucky Political Science Association, March 1997. 


"Political Activists as Political Theorists:  Norman Manley, Eric Williams, Democracy and Decolonization in the British West Indies."  Midwest Political Science Association, April 1997. Chicago.


1996                 "The Racist Right and the Internet."  Kentucky Political Science Association, March 1996. Berea, KY.


                        "Class Alliances and the Liberal-Authoritarian State."  Midwest Political Science

                        Association, April 1996. Chicago.


1995                 "Consociationalism and Democracy in Surinam."  Kentucky Political Science

                        Association,  March 1995. Louisville.


1991                                  "Ethnicity and Voting in Belize."  Caribbean Studies Association, May 1991. Havana.



Other Presentations


2007                 Presentation, panel discussion on globalization. School of Business, Clark Atlanta University, 26 March 2007.


2003                                  “The Historical African Presence in Latin America” presented to Atlanta middle school pupils and teachers as part of  a United Negro College Fund/Atlanta Board of Education/National Black Arts Festival/Clark Atlanta University project on the African presence in Latin America.  Also presented to students and teachers in Bluefields, Nicaragua.


Other Conference Participation



2008                 Discussant. Panel on “Aesthetics, Art and Politics.” Southern Political Science Association, January 2008, New Orleans.


                        Chair/Discussant. Panel on “Sovereignty and Civilization: Examining Liberty, Progress, and Imperialism in the Modern Era.” Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2008, Philadelphia.


2007                 Chair/Discussant. Panel on “ Praxis: Political Theory, Foreign Policy and

the Nation-State”. Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2007, Philadelphia.


Chair/Discussant. Panel on “Democracy and Violence in Historical Perspective”. Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2007, Philadelphia.


Chair/Discussant. Panel on “Asian Politics”. Northeastern Political Science Association, November 2007, Philadelphia.


2006                 Chair. Panel on “Caribbean Intellectual Practice”. Caribbean Studies Association, May 2006, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.


Chair/Discussant. Panel on “Creating Social Justice”. Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago. April 2006.


Chair. Panel on “Revising Political Economies”. International Conference on Caribbean Studies. South Padre Island, Texas. November 2006.


Chair/Discussant. Panel on “Invididualism, Historicism and Freedom”. Northeastern Political Science Association. Boston, November 2006.


2005                 Discussant/Chair. Panel on “Religion and Politics”. Midwest Political Science Association. Chicago. April 2005


2002                 Discussant. Panel on Political Theory. National Conference of Black Political Scientists. Atlanta. March 2002.



Recent Projects and Grants


2003                 Mellon-DuBois Research Grant for study on ‘The Inhibited State: Bi-Directional Pressures on the Jamaican Political System’. Carried out field research in Jamaica. Completion of monograph expected by Spring 2008.


                        Participation in UNCF Grant for development of syllabus on African Presence in Latin America, and as resource person on the African presence in Latin America on group tour of Bluefields, Nicaragua by Atlanta public school teachers and pupils as part of the preparation for the 2003 National Black Arts Festival.


Honors and Awards


2007                 Artinian Award. Southern Political Science Association.


                        W.E.B. DuBois Faculty Fellowship, Clark Atlanta University.


1997                 David Hughes Award, Kentucky Political Science Association.

                        Best paper, 1996.


1993-1994         President's Dissertation Fellowship, University of California.


1988-1990                  San Diego Fellowship, University of California, San Diego.





2008                 Book Review Editor, Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diasporas.



Languages:        English (native), Spanish (speak, write, read), Jamaican Creole (speak, write, read), Portuguese (read), Galician (read), French (read), Dutch (read).


Peer Reviewer: Wadabagei: A Journal of the Caribbean and its Diasporas,  since 2003.



References and writing samples available on request.